
Menampilkan postingan dengan label Betawi Tamarind Vegetable Recipe from Indonesia

Soto Bandung Recipe

Soto Bandung Recipe   A recipe for fresh beef soto with delicious clear sauce, especially if it's not a Soto Bandung recipe. For soto lovers, of course you shouldn't miss tasting this fresh Bandung soto. The filling is quite simple, namely beef and radish, but the taste is delicious because it is obtained from beef broth and a combination of spices. Don't forget the addition of Selera Oyster Sauce and pepper which makes the taste of the soup even more special. You don't need to go on holiday to Bandung to be able to enjoy a delicious bowl of soto, now anyone can make it from home. Soto Bandung ingredients •400 grams of beef •800 ml water •2 bay leaves •2 stalks lemongrass (crushed) •2 lime leaves •2 cm ginger (crushed) •2 cm galangal (crushed) white pepper to taste •1 sachet Selera Oyster Sauce •4 cloves garlic (crushed) ground nutmeg •1 white radish (cut into pieces) salt to taste sugar to taste Supplementary material •1 pack vermicelli fried soy

Betawi Tamarind Vegetable Recipe from Indonesia

Betawi Tamarind Vegetable Recipe from Indonesia This Betawi Asem Vegetables recipe is a little different from most vegetable tamarind or clear tamarind vegetables. Indeed, the method of making it and the ingredients may be similar to what you usually make. But the taste is guaranteed to be different because it uses BonCabe Level 15, Original flavor. The spicy taste makes a simple recipe special. This menu is suitable for everyday dishes at home, especially if the family really likes this vegetable preparation. Even though Mother is used to making this dish, with this recipe for Betawi Asem Vegetables you will definitely feel the difference on your tongue. Come on, try it and prove it for yourself, Mom Betawi Tamarind Vegetable Ingredients ● 1 sachet of BonCabe level 15, Original flavor ● 2 long beans ● 1/2 chayote ● 1/2 sweet corn ● 1 handful of peanuts ● 2 small eggplants ● 1 handful of melinjo leaves ● enough melinjo fruit ● 1/4 young papaya ● 2 galangal knuck